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IS SALT A SPIRITUAL WEAPON? Discover the hidden truth about salt in the Bible.

Writer's picture: El ShalomeEl Shalome

In this article, we'll discover how salt can be a powerful tool in spiritual warfare. We'll explain simply and clearly how to use it effectively to achieve transformative results. Did you know that there are several specific methods for using salt to purify, protect and break curses and attract abundant blessings into your life? And why did Jesus tell his disciples that they were the salt of the earth? Read this article to the end to discover these answers and be surprised by the spiritual power of salt.

Above all, it's essential to understand a fundamental truth: God is the creator of everything in the universe. Every element of creation, without exception, bears the mark of God's mighty hand. This reality is reflected in every grain of salt. It's crucial to remember that everything God has created has a specific purpose. Nothing was made by chance or for mere pleasure. God carefully planned every detail before creating anything. Everything has a divine mission: fire has the power to consume, water the power to give life, and in the same way, the air and the earth fulfill their roles in creation. So this video begs the question: why did God create salt?

Although we mainly use salt to season our dishes, its uses go far beyond its place in the kitchen. Here are five other powers of salt you may not know about:

A little history. Salt was once used as a currency and a wage. In ancient times, it was not easily accessible, and was even the cause of wars and revolutions. In ancient China, salt was the second most precious commodity after gold. Women and children were sometimes sold into slavery to obtain salt. Caesar's soldiers received a sum of money to buy salt, called “salarium”, from which the word “salary” derives.


Salt is often seen as a symbol of purity, fidelity and preservation. In Christianity, it represents purification and protection. Salt is frequently used to purify spaces and objects, as illustrated in the Bible.

Let's read, 2Kings 2:19-22:

The people of Jericho said to Elisha: “Elisha, you can see that our town is well situated. But the water is so bad that it prevents even plants from growing.” Elisha says, “Bring me salt in a new dish.” They obey. Elisha goes to the spring and throws the salt into the water, saying on behalf of the Lord: “I have made this water pure. It will no longer cause living creatures to die, and plants will be able to grow again.” Indeed, the water becomes pure, and it remains so today, as Elisha announced.

Salt is also said to have curative, medicinal and antiseptic properties. At birth, newborn babies were sometimes rubbed with salt. Ezekiel 16:4 mentions:

“The day you were born, no one cut your cord. You were not washed in water to make you pure. No one rubbed you with salt, no one wrapped you in a loincloth.”


Salt can be used to create protective barriers. It was used to protect food and other items from decomposition. Under the Mosaic Law, everything offered to Jehovah on the altar had to be salted, not because of its taste, but because salt symbolized the absence of corruption and decomposition. Large quantities of salt were certainly stored in the temple for this purpose. Ezra ensured that salt was available in abundance for the sacrifices.

Knowing the importance of salt in the worship of God, King Artaxerxes had ordered that the Israelites be provided with unlimited quantities of salt for the worship of the true God.

Let's read that in Ezra 7:21-22:

“I, King Artaxerxes, command all the finance officials in the region west of the Euphrates: they will do exactly whatever Ezra the priest, the expert in the law of the God in heaven, asks of them. They will give him up to 3 tons of silver, 30 tons of wheat, 4,000 liters of wine, 4,000 liters of oil, and salt as much as they want.''

Jesus rightly told his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth”, a protective influence against spiritual putrefaction and moral decay. The good news they brought preserved life.


Often, when covenants were concluded, the contracting parties would share a meal by eating salt together, symbolizing the perpetual loyalty of one to the other in this covenantal relationship. A “covenant of salt” was therefore considered a serious commitment.

That's why, when King Jeroboam of Israel rose up against King Abiya of Judah, David's grandson, Abiya declared that Jehovah had made “a covenant of salt” with David and his descendants. This meant that the covenant with David's line for kingship would last forever, as he relied on God and this covenant. God gave Abiya victory over Jeroboam, who had come against him with 800,000 soldiers, while Abiya had only 400,000.

You can read about this in 2Chronicles 13:4-5.


In limited quantities, salt can be beneficial on certain acid soils or when mixed with manure. However, when it accumulates in the soil, it kills vegetation, rendering the land barren and unproductive, as was the case in the once fertile Euphrates Valley. Sometimes, salt was deliberately sown in a city condemned to total destruction, a gesture symbolizing the wish for the place to remain perpetually barren.

In his anger against Sodom and Gomorrah, whose sins had reached the Lord, God destroyed these two cities with fire and brimstone, then sprinkled salt on their land. This gesture served as a warning to other peoples: nothing would grow again in these cursed places. Salt, in this context, symbolizes sterility and desolation, reminding people of the consequences of disobedience and sin.

Salt, often seen as a symbol of purity and preservation, can also represent destruction and cursing when used excessively. This duality of salt underlines the importance of balance and obedience to divine laws.

We've just discovered the 4 powers of salt and how God himself uses it, whether in worship, to seal covenants, or to destroy. The question is: how can we also benefit from the power of salt for our protection, our purification, and to destroy the negative forces and vibrations that harm our happiness?

Whatever man can do, he can only copy the Creator. Even the Devil has to copy God to operate. His only power lies in the fact that he has stayed with God and knows the workings of creation and the elements better than we humans do. However, this is no longer an asset for him because God the Father has already given us power over him through the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. So anything he uses against us is null and void.


How can we, too, imitate God in the use of salt?

For our purification, as demonstrated by the prophet Elisha, he took a little salt, threw it into the water, said a prayer, and the spring water became pure and remains so to this day. You can use this method at night before going to bed: take some water in a bucket, add a few handfuls of salt, say your prayer, then rinse yourself with the water. The next morning, you'll be in great shape, as all negative energy should leave you. If you tend to be tired and exhausted when you wake up, you'll see a marked improvement. This method has been tried and tested.

To protect yourself, just as salt protects food from decay, simply put a little salt in every corner of your home. This will ward off pests and bad vibrations. It's also been proven to keep evil spirits out of the house.

Use salt to destroy the evil spells that have been cast on you. If you are physically attacked, if an object is placed in front of your gate, or if a ritual is performed in front of your home, say your prayer of destruction and return to sender in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Then sprinkle the object with salt, add gasoline and burn it. This will completely destroy the spell. If you do your return-to-sender prayer right, the person behind this harmful activity will reap what he or she has sown. If you don't know how to make a return-to-sender prayer, check out our channel - we've made some videos on the subject with sample prayers.

Have you ever used salt in a different way? What were the results? We'd be delighted if you'd share them with us to strengthen the faith of everyone who reads this. What's more, if after using the natural salt tips we've just shared with you, you have any positive feedback for us, please feel free to share it in the comments for the happiness of the whole Christian community.

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